Maino,Slaps Yung Berg


Is Berg running out of bad luck or what.Fisrt he makes the stupid dark butts comment.Then he gets jumped and robbed in the D.Now, Maino smacks some skin off his face.The story goes like this.They were at a club,Berg approaches Maino on some "I heard you got a problem with me "shit.In a split second,Brooklyn style......slap.What the fuck is up with Berg.The dude is barely 5 ft and maybe 95lbs,he must have been on that liquid courage.Anyway big ups to Maino for not giving him the knuckle sandwhich,you couldve killed the lil fella.Im sure i'll have to update this as the day passes.

UPDATE:(told you it was coming)
Maino:Audio...Talking about what happend Lastnight